Welcome the the Institute
The Developmental Trauma and Attachment Institute aims to revitalize and enhance your work with children and families. As a member, you'll gain access to specialized knowledge, acquire advanced skills, mentorship, case consultation, and build connections with others who...just get it! With the support of our scholarly practitioners, you'll find it much easier to seek out opportunities and develop professionally while still balancing your busy schedule.
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This Course
In this 60 minute recorded webinar, originally recorded in October of 2022 from the Developmental Trauma and Attachment Institute, the webinar centers around different types of supervisions for therapists:
- Administrative supervision
- Clinical supervision
- Reflective supervision
Reflective supervision, although less commonly used and understood, is very important. It was noted that therapists undergo continuous development and need to reflect on their personal challenges to effectively work with clients. Therapists were advised to recognize themselves as "wounded healers" and understand the ongoing process of therapist development.
Furthermore, the developmental trajectory of therapists is influenced by various factors:
- Training versus development
- Scrutiny by supervisors and others
- Emotional boundary management
- Creation of professional self
The discussion also touched upon the need for therapists to manage their "signature themes" effectively while working with clients and staying grounded in their personal journey to avoid getting entangled in their client's emotional turmoil.
Karen Doyle Buckwalter, MSW, LCSW, RPT-S
Karen Buckwalter, LCSW, RPT-S is a therapist, author, and podcaster. She has more than 30 years of experience working with families specializing in attachment and trauma issues primarily in the fields of foster care and adoption.She has co-authored journal articles and book chapters as well as articles that have appeared in Adoption Today and Fostering Families Today Magazines. Her first book, Attachment Theory in Action, edited with Debbie Reed was released in 2017 and former host of the Attachment theory In Action podcast. Her second book co-authored with Debbie Reed and Wendy Lyons Sunshine, Raising the Challenging Child, released in January 2020.