Are you looking for a way to boost your knowledge of attachment theory?

Look no further than this exclusive webinar series! Our monthly webinars are designed to provide you with valuable information and application strategies for your work, your life and those you serve. CE's are offered when you attend live, otherwise you can view them on-demand 24/7.

When you attend our webinars, you will have the opportunity to learn from attachment theory experts and professionals who have years of experience in their respective fields. By attending these webinars, you will gain a deeper understanding of attachment theory practices, develop new skills and connect with other professionals.


This training will provide and introduction to the basic concepts of the Supervisor Facilitated Attuned Interactions (FAN). The Supervisor FAN is a model developed by Erikson Institute to provide Supervisors the tools they need to provide supervision to their staff in a reflective, strength-based way, which will improve their program’s overall quality. Supervisor FAN focuses on the concept of attunement and you will learn to attune to yourself and your supervisees in order to increase staff confidence and competence and improve reflective capacity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to identify the 3 components of reflective supervision and why they are important to utilize with the Supervisor’s FAN.
  • Participants will be able to identify the FAN core processes and The Arc of Engagement and how they apply to reflective supervision.
  • Participants will be able to identify signs of their reactivity in engagements with consultee and identify at least one Mindful Self-Regulation (MSR) strategy to use in their work.
  • Participants will have an opportunity to practice using the Supervisors FAN in real life supervisory scenarios.

About the Host

Josh Carlson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Executive Director of The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. He oversees the training and consultation endeavors TKC offers and is one of the lead trainers. Josh combines his over 17 years of experience at Chaddock with humor and fun that engages his audiences as they learn. He has a Masters in Social Work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

About the Presenter

Maggie Mosca, LCSW, IECMHC-C,

has extensive experience working in the field of Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and as a therapist for children aged birth to three in Early Intervention. Maggie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a credential in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. Maggie has served a variety of roles in many capacities in social service systems for the last 15 years. Maggie has provided trainings for early childhood professionals for on a variety of social-emotional topics, including Supervisors FAN and Circle of Security Parenting. Maggie has a passion for supporting those that support young children and their families. Maggie provides reflective consultation services, training and support through strength and relationship-based practices. Maggie is currently the Director for Caregiver Connections at Chaddock.

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