Attachment Theory: Stages, Styles and Everyday Life

For some, it may seem like a complicated concept, but simply put, the Attachment Theory in Action podcast explores the lasting psychological and emotional bonds between individuals. Your attachment style is fluid and can change over time. However, the lasting psychological connectedness can continue to adulthood and long-term relationships. Tune in every week as we dive deeper with experts from around the world!  

About the Host

I’m Jenna Kelly, LCSW, I/ECMH-C. I have extensive experience working as a therapist, consultant, trainer and supervisor in children and family mental health services. I also serve as a lead trainer for The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. I am personally inviting you to listen in on my personal, in-depth and transformative conversations with experts throughout the world of Attachment Theory. I share these conversations, because I believe that everyone can benefit from hearing how attachment theory impacts relationships and everyday life. So sit back, open your mind and prepare to learn a lot about yourself in the process.

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